Presents Important Concepts In An Easy to Understand Way!
Similar to the way Joe taught nine 6-month classes in the Graduate Training Program of The Trane Company in the 1980's, students will learn a concept and then immediately apply this new knowledge with an application problem. Quiz/testing/course-surveys will also be used to measure the overall effectiveness of the teaching. In this way, the program receives continual improvement through direct feedback.​​


Graduate U.S. Naval Nuclear Power School at Mare Island, California (1975)
Degrees in Naval Science & Industrial Engineering (1979) Univ of Wisconsin-Madison
Counselor Selling, Leader Trained - Wilson Learning Institute 1987
Registered Professional Engineer (1990 Wisconsin)

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About Becker Learning


Navy Achievement Medal 1983
Trane Top-10 Club 1994, 1995 & 1996
Trane Million Dollar Chiller Club 1995
Heating, Piping and Air Conditioning Journal, June 1997 "Selecting high-efficiency centrifugal chillers: a system approach"

About the Instructor:

 While there are many engineers with a deeper level of knowledge and many teachers/speakers who may be a little more effective in communication, there are very few engineers who can teach as well as Joe Becker does. He has been gifted with an unusual level of empathy for the student, whether an engineer or not. Attendees are encouraged to ask questions and bring in real life applications of their own.  

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To learn more about how we might work together to increase the effectiveness of your sales organization, contact me for a FREE 15-minute consultation.


  •  Systems Engineer 1983-1985

  • Marketing Engineer 1985-1986

  •  Manager Technical Training - Graduate Training Program 1986-1990

  •  Sales Engineer 1990 - 1997

  •  Sales Manager 1997 - 2000

  •  Regional Sales Manager 2005-2007

  •  Consultant 2007-2016 (part-time)

  •  Retired Dec 2016

Work Experience:

U.S. Navy (Commissioned Officer in the Civil Engineer Corps):
Assistant Public Works Officer, Naval Air Station, South Weymouth, MA 1979-1981
Facility Planner and Programmer, Naval Security Command, Washington DC 1981-1983

Teaching Methodology: